Category Archives: News

Embroidery Class with Mistress Brynna (8/20)

Brynna’s Beginning Embroidery Class at A&S Tuesday

Come enjoy an evening of art with Brynna teaching one of her greatest specialties, embroidery! Embroidery has been around for at least 30,000 years, enhancing clothing since there has been clothing to wear. Embroidery enhances everything, from dresses, cloaks, hats and even shoes. Join us for this beginner class and open the door to one of the most beautiful artforms!

More details will come as the time gets closer. Put this in your calendar!

Baronial Picnic is Coming Soon!

Baronial Picnic & Scribal Workshop (2024-08-17 @10am to 2024-08-17 @ 5pm)

This is a great local event – only about 1 1/2 hours from Aiken – where you can take in the scribal workshop or just take it easy and spend time socializing with other members of the Barony. The event is free but there is a small admission fee to Dreher Island State Park ($3 for adults).

Lunch is Potluck – bring something to share!

More details at the links below:

  • Dreher Island State Park, 3677 State Park Rd, Prosperity, SC, 29127

Not Quite Quarterly Braggin Rights III Spice Road Detour

The third Not Quite Quarterly Braggin Rights was a success! We had 150 people visit, and quite a few new people were greeted and of those 9 were directed to the canton pages.

We had a wonderful Tournament in which Klaus Jaeger won the best brag with his beautiful song of Atlantia who made the world pause to listen, the best death went to Nymandus the Swift who’s death was glorious and worthy of remembrance, and the winner of the tournament was inevitably by Vicount Elesar of Northumbria who fought well, and honorable, as always. The winner of the rapier tournament was Mathias des Haus zum Katze Kleine, he struck quickly and with accuracy, and left no survivors!

We had 10 entrants in the Iron Artisan competition, a brilliant idea where much like Iron Chef, the artisans were given a mystery basket to create art with. Lady Sofia Eleonora de la Mar was the winner for her beautiful refillable patterned leather pomander belt, her brilliant refillable and reusable sweet and unsweet tea sachets, and fur collar attached to the shawl which was laid out as a base for her presentation! A well-won victory for a very talented artist!

The rest of the day was filled with fighters learning from each other, pick-ups (just fighting whoever also wanted to fight for fun) and socializing.

A personal gift was also given at the event, from Mór to Marion and Elesar for not only their friendship, but for their efforts and hospitality over the last year hosting fighter practice and Arts and Sciences. Their efforts are what are making the canton what it is today and needed to be recognized and made tangible.

All in all it was a wonderful event, we left tired and hungry, with food later provided by the great Robear and Alesia.