Ritterwald on the Net

In addition to our regular weekly gatherings and event attendance, Ritterwald maintains a strong online virtual community presence.

On the Web

Official Canton Website

The Canton of Ritterwald Webminister manages this officially sponsored website in accordance with SCA policy, including the SCA Webminister’s Handbook.

Canton of Ritterwald (Official)

This is the only officially recognized Canton of Ritterwald (SCA) website.


Official Related Websites

The Webminister of each sponsoring group manages these official websites in accordance with SCA policy.

Kingdom of Atlantia Wiki (Not for Offical Use)


Kingdom of Atlantia Event Calendar (Official)


SCA Event Registration System (“SCORES”)


On Social Media

Official Canton Social Media Channels

The Canton of Ritterwald Social Media Officer manages these officially sponsored websites in accordance with SCA policy, including the Society Social Media Handbook.

Ritterwald Facebook Page (Official): https://www.facebook.com/Ritterwald.SCA

Ritterwald Facebook Group (Official): https://www.facebook.com/groups/Ritterwald

Ritterwald Messenger (Official): http://m.me/Ritterwald.SCA

Official Related Social Media Channels

The Social Media Officer of each sponsoring group manages these official websites in accordance with SCA policy.

Kingdom of Atlantia Facebook Page (Official)


Kingdom of Atlantia Facebook Group (Official)


Barony of Nottinghill Coill Facebook Group (Official)


Kingdom of Atlantia Discord Server (Official)


Unofficial Canton Social Media Channels

These channels are unofficial but known to be operated by members of the Canton for casual use. These channels are not used for official communications.

Ritterwald Facebook Group (Unofficial):


Ritterwald Discord Server (Unofficial):
