
New Canton email Addresses!

We’re finally in the last stages of assigning new official SCA Ritterwald email addresses for Canton officers! Soon it will be possible to contact them all at <office name>

We’re also establishing an address for our signature demo/event, to facilitate event-related email communications.

Once the new addresses are live, they will be added to the Officer page.

Embroidery Class with Mistress Brynna (8/20)

Brynna’s Beginning Embroidery Class at A&S Tuesday

Come enjoy an evening of art with Brynna teaching one of her greatest specialties, embroidery! Embroidery has been around for at least 30,000 years, enhancing clothing since there has been clothing to wear. Embroidery enhances everything, from dresses, cloaks, hats and even shoes. Join us for this beginner class and open the door to one of the most beautiful artforms!

More details will come as the time gets closer. Put this in your calendar!

Mead Making Madness & Pennsic Pity Party

July 27, 2024 @ 10:00 a.m.

Are you ready to put the Mead in Mead-ieval? Join us at B&B’s B&B to learn the basics about making the world’s oldest fermented beverage! Better yet, bring along a one-gallon jug and 2.5 – 3 pounds of your favorite honey, and start your own batch!

Lunch will be burgers & dogs and your (optional) potluck dish. BYOB

Follow the Facebook Event linked here for more: